Sunday, 8 April 2012

That, that is the great success

There is this phrase in Surah at-Tawba which repeats four times (with slight variations) and which I keep getting slightly muddled up so writing the four occurrences of this phrase down side to side in hope of solidifying and disambiguating my memory store!

"... jannaatin-tajree min-ta7tihaa-al-anhaaru khaalideena feehaa
wa masaakina Tayyibatan-fee jannaati 3adnin;
dhaalika huwa-al-fawzu-al-aDheemu" (9:72)

"... jannaatin-tajree min-ta7tihaa-al-anhaaru khaalideena feehaa;
dhaalika-al-fawzu-al-aDheemu" (9:89)

"... jannaatin-tajree ta7tahaa-al-anhaaru khaalideena feehaa abadan;
dhaalika-al-fawzu-al-aDheemu" (9:100)

"... wa dhaalika huwa-al-fawzu-al-aDheemu" (9:111)

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