Wednesday, 6 February 2013

Abu Bakr's advice

I found a most comprehensive, concise and compelling advice in Shaykh Muhammad Al-Khudari Bak Al-Bajuri's The History of the Four Caliphs (translated by Turath Publishing). No joke: The book is worth buying for this one page alone! It is the counsel of Abu Bakr (God's pleasure be upon him) at the time of appointing one of his men to a position of leadership. I've pulled out only some bits of the advice and, even that, I've re-worded in parts. Buy the book for the complete, original translation of this counselling masterpiece!

Be conscious of God,
for surely your inner self is apparent to Him as is your outer.

Know that the most eminent in God's sight
is he who entrusts his affairs to Him the most.

And the closest to God
is he who desires most to gain proximity to Him.

When you go to your men,
be a good companion to them.

And be good to them from the outset,
promising them that you will be of benefit.

When you lecture, be concise,
for much of a long speech is forgotten.

And set yourself right,
for your people will set themselves right in tow.

When the time for prayer comes,
pray, humbly, with perfection in bowing and prostrating.

And when you seek counsel, speak the truth,
so that you are given an honest response.

Do not conceal anything from your advisor,
saying all that you have to say.

Nor spy on your people,
for you will humiliate them.

Nor examine your men's secrets,
sufficing instead with what is outwardly observable.

Nor sit in the company of the idle,
choosing instead the company of the truthful and loyal.

When you meet the enemy, stand firm,
showing no cowardice, or your people will become cowardly.

And when you deal with the spoils, avoid all deception,
for it will bring on poverty and drive away victory.


Mohammed Furqan Shaikh said...


Aban said...

Amazing summary, May Allah reward you for bringing this to our notice and for anything we learn and are able to embibe from this in the future.

Anonymous said...

Great words of wisdom which you have so beautifully summarised.