Thursday, 25 August 2011

Prosperity as punishment

"So let not their wealth nor their children amaze you.
In reality, Allah's Plan is to punish them with these very things
in the life of this world..."

What does it mean that the wealth & children of those afflicted with hypocrisy
(may God protect us!)
will be a form of punishment for them?

Mufti Muhammad Shafi comments in his Ma'ariful Qur'an:
"... One starts with desires to acquire wealth,
& then goes through a series of hardships to establish the necessary channels,
day in & day out, sacrificing sleep, comfort & family life.
After that, if he succeeds, come the concerns of increasing & retaining it...
There is no respite for him...
[And if things do not go according to his desires,] despair takes over.
What is this, if not punishment?..."

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