Friday 1 October 2010

Man in his wanderings

"If water stands motionless in a pool it grows stale and muddy, but when it moves and flows it becomes clear: so, too, man in his wanderings."

I sent this quote out (attributed to 'an old Kurdish nomad' in Muhammad Asad's book 'The Road to Mecca') a few days back on my regular text-out and got this reply back - a saying of the Tablighis - "fil harakah, barakah (in movement there is blessing)", which could equally be worded "al-barakah fil harakah (the blessing is in movement)" or perhaps even "al-harakah lil barakah (movement for blessing)". Nice saying! Here's another, found/quoted in the book 'Jesus, Prophet of Islam', about how the desert wilderness removes false senses of security from a person and teaches him to rely on Reality alone: "In the barrenness of the wilderness, all other support falls and one is laid bare to the One God, the Power, the Constant Source of all life, and the Root of all security." Sweet!! :)>

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