Friday 31 October 2008

When sleeping

"When you want to sleep, lay down your bedding facing the Qiblah and sleep on your right hand side as a deceased person is laid in his grave...

and know that sleep is just like death...

and waking up in the morning is like the Resurrection...

be prepared to meet Him by going to sleep on Tahaarah (purity). Have Wudhu when you go to sleep and have your will written under your pillow."

(Mufti Abdur-Rahman Ibn Yusuf quoting Imam Ghazali (rh), 'The Beginning of Guidance' (audio series))

Deeep! I have started doing this (all and more except the will under the pillow) and these past few weeks I have been sleeping and rising with clarity like never before, wallahu akbar wa lillahil-7amd.

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