Saturday 19 May 2007

The Martial Artist and the Islamist

A similtude to be struck,
between the Martial Artist and the Islamist.

None more formiddable than the one well-rounded.

The one most strict, standing firm to the letter,
yet lacking any grounding in character
will be easily tripped.

The one versed in submission, kneeling much in prayer,
yet lacking the eagerness to wrestle society's ills
will be brutally pounded at the first encounter.

The one striking big, longing for quick result,
yet lacking the preparation for a lasting struggle
will feel himself wear with fatigue.

Note: My definition of "Islamist" here is "one who attempts to implement Islamic values in all spheres of his/her life". This is meant as a positive thing of course. I think it to be a good word despite the attempts by the right-wing press to mortify it from use.

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