Monday, 26 August 2013

Book Review: FOSIS Islamic Society Khutbah Guide

This is a gem of a book! And shocking how few people seem to know about it. And sadder still how poor the Friday sermons up and down the country (and across the Muslim world) are! There are exceptions but they're few and far between. By and large, Khutbahs are attended by the masses because it's a must and not in excitement for what is to be heard. It needn't be this way :( Here's nine points which stuck out for me on my third reading (since its publication back in 2003) of the FOSIS Islamic Society Khutbah Guide. (The book covers the Islamic, Fiqhi aspect of the Khutbah too but I've left this out from the points below.) The Khutbah...
  1. Should give Muslims hope, encouragement and teach them the best of manners.
  2. Should be concise, clear and rich of meanings. Excessive speech causes people to forget many details.
  3. Should have one main topic. The speaker who talks about many issues distracts the audience from a focus. Clarity is crucial for education.
  4. Should flow in a logical sequence. The audience should feel as though they are ascending steps towards a conclusion.
  5. Should be supported by Qur'anic verses, authentic traditions, and acceptable facts.
  6. Should be revised, practised and built on consultation with others. Good preparation is a sign of respect to oneself and one's audience. Insufficient preparation causes the speech to be long and boring.
  7. Should be well defined, well presented and respectful of the time available. Conciseness requires making choices, cancelling some parts, and confirming other parts.
  8. Should be delivered in a warm, pleasant tone, with expressiveness and enthusiasm, and in neither too slow a pace nor too fast a pace.
  9. Should be prepared and delivered with the best of intentions, to convey the Good Word of God Almighty and the perfect example of His Messenger Muhammad, sallAllahu 3alayhi wa sallam.