Monday, 26 October 2009


"The commands of the Shari'ah may not be changed just because we do not understand them. This is an unquestionable and widely acceptable principle.

Minor and major uncleanliness (Hadath Asghar and Hadath Akbar) fall in the same realm. These terms do not have clear understandable meanings. For example, Shari'ah tells us that breaking wind makes us unclean (i.e. our wudu is broken). In order to clean ourselves from this impurity, we are to wash our face, our arms to the elbows, feet up to the ankles and make masah of (wipe over) our head. We do not understand what possible relationship there may be between breaking wind and washing these body parts in order to purify ourselves, nor are we allowed to guess. But since the Shari'ah commands us to wash these body parts, we will continue to do so."

(Source: 'The Book of Purification - The Complete Islamic Rules and Guidelines of Cleanliness and Purification', by Sheikh M. Ibrahim Memon Madani)

Too much time with intellectuals.
My heart stops thinking.
Stupidity starts sounding smart.
Need to reconnect it to its roots.

Friday, 23 October 2009

The angels stretch forth their hands...

... Deliver your souls.

"walaqad ji'tumoonaa furaadaa
kamaa khalaqnaakum awwala marratin
wa taraktum maa khawwalnaakum
waraa'a dhuhoorikum..."

"And truly you have come unto Us alone
(without wealth, companions or anything else)
as We created you the first time.
You have left behind you
all that which We had bestowed on you..."

(Al-Qur'an, Surah al-An3aam, part of Verse 94)

I was in my garden last night.
Happened to look up at the sky.
Difficult to see how small we are
always looking down charging ahead.

Monday, 12 October 2009

The one bathed by the angels

Sayyiduna Hanzala, raDhiyAllahu 3anhu, may Allah be pleased with Him.

"... When the call for the Battle of Uhud was announced, and the army was beginning to leave, he was having relations with his wife. In this state he heard the call for war, and heard the army leaving for the battlefield. He left everything at that moment and joined the army. He did not have a chance to do ghusl (bath). He was martyred in the battlefield. Because a shaheed (martyr) is not given ghusl, he too was not given a bath. Sayyidunaa Rasulullah sallAllahu 3alayhi wa sallam saw the angels bathing him. He made inquiries, and, on returning to Madinah Munawwarah, was informed by his wife of his condition..."

(Source: Shamaa-il Tirmidhi with commentary, published by Darul Ishaat)

Above story found in the chapter on the turban of Sayyidunaa Rasulullah sallAllahu 3alayhi wa sallam, in the commentary of the fifth Hadith, regarding the father of one of the narrators of the Hadith.